Friday Fictioneers 10-2-2020

Thanks again to cat-herder extraordinaire, Rochelle @ Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple for providing another Friday Fictioneers photo prompt. Her weekly challenge is for us to write a story (beginning, middle, and end) of 100 words or less based on a photo prompt. Thanks to Rowena Curtin for the photo.

PHOTO PROMPT Β© Rowena Curtin


Genre: Fiction
Title: Xin Loi Gonzo
Word Count: 100


The sun was behind him, half blinding me. Gonzo insisted on knowing why I asked to meet him so early.

He swore and moved aggressively toward me. I backed-up and said, β€œSome make the world a better place, some we would better off without, and some make no difference.

When he charged me, I drew the pistol, repeatedly squeezing the trigger before I could point it. He knocked me down but did not move after we were on the ground. I stood, shot him in the head, and said, β€œI just made the world a better place. Xin lα»—i, Gonzo.”


Look both ways when making room and don’t bring a knife to gun fight.
Mind the gaps and keep the sun at your back.

Click for link.

Xin lα»—i is Vietnamese for ‘sorry’ or in my case, ‘sorry about that.’

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