Friday Fictioneers for November 11th, 2022

Yesterday was Election Day, or ED day (snicker), depending on your POV. Tomorrow (Thursday, 10 November) is the USMC birthday, and Friday is Veterans Day.

Our lovely and world-class author, artist, and story-teller-mom, Rochelle, has, yet again, teamed up with the Magical Mistress of Montreal, the fabulous photographer, gifted story-maker in her own right, and social butterfly, Dale Rogerson, to delve deep into our creative minds for flashes of micro fiction miracles.

After seeing Dale’s pic, you only need a monochrome click to be transferred to the bright purple world of Her Nibs blog to clear the dark fog from your mind and create your own story with fewer than 100 words, beginning, middle, and end. If you’ve read this far, what are you waiting for? Click on Dale’s photo for the codes of color.

Dale’s photo has her brand and copyright.

Genre: Gonzo Medical Journalism
Title: Thunderstruck
Word Count: 100



I wasn’t dreaming. I could see only faint monochrome outlines. Where was I? Was I dead? While conscious and lucid, I felt neither pain nor pleasure. I was weightless, but grounded.

She turned and smiled at me. I recognized her face. She said, β€œYou’re back. I’ve missed you. Shall we dance?” We danced. When we kissed, I was thunderstruck.

I felt the jolt lift me. Then I heard her voice.

β€œStop defib. No more shocking him. We have a heartbeat. He’s alive.”

A male voice said, β€œI thought he was gone for sure. Good job everyone. Welcome back, Mister Bill.”


Look both ways and decide your own reality.
Mind the gaps for shots and shocks.
We’ll be glad to see you again.

Click on the OR pick to read more wonderful stories inspired by Dale’s intriguing photo.


A twisted, and super-popular, little take on an AC/DC rocker covered by the hillbilly bluegrassers, Steve’n’Seagulls. (Turn the volume up loud and fasten your seatbelt.)

48 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers for November 11th, 2022

  1. Wow, I love where you went with this… hopefully, not too much based on reality…
    And um… quite the intro you’ve got there! I’m blushing!
    I love this version of Thunderstruck. Them Hillbillies know where it’s at πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Chuffed that you liked it.
      Some reality in it, Dale, coz it’s journalism.

      Billy told me that group was recently in the Austin area in concert. Missed it, dang.

      I kept jotting down ideas for the pic, then I was literally thunderstruck by personal experience.
      I noticed you jumped in 8th. Up and at it early. πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I do! And I figured there was.

        Oh dang, for sure! I wonder if they are entertaining. I feel they must be.

        When Rochelle told me this week was mine, I was pretty sure where I wanted to go. And yesterday was a late start at work so I had time. When I start at 6:15, my mornings are not quite so leisurely!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Bill,I really enjoyed your introduction this week, it was full of inspiration and encouragement.
    Your story made me realise how we all put our lives in the hands of the doctors and medics and trust they will succeed, otherwise our mind goes wandering and dancing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good twist from a kiss to paddles…I agree with granonine. And that is a mean cover of Thunderstruck! I listened all the way through, as a good song deserves full respect πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Bill,

    I was thunderstruck just by your intro. And blushing. I’m not sure I live up to your purple prose. πŸ˜‰ The video, ie that group is mesmerizing. Bluegrass makes everything better. Your story is powerful. Any personal fact in it? Wow. Just wow this week! You fired on all cylinders. BTW Happy Veteran’s day. Thank you for your service.



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, thank you, and thank you again, Rochelle.
      When I’m thunderstruck, that is how it is for me (ref. my intros).
      It is all true.
      Her face, the dance, and kiss were not dreams, but happened at a different time.

      It’s long story. But… When I had a procedure to replace a heart valve (two years ago), I did have to be defibbed on the OR table., I did jump several inches off the table due to sudden pain, but not from the defib (they then put me totally “out”).
      I heard what the tech/nurse nearest my head was saying, “He has stopped breathing several times.” It was the magic of modern medicine and I am extremely grateful πŸ™‚


  5. You took the reader to many places in this story. The opening paragraph, with its hazy confusion of not really feeling anything, the dance, the kiss, then coming back to reality with a bang. Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. What a wonderful video of my favorite Leonard Cohn song. Years ago, I wanted to cry when I learned of the genesis of this awesomely beautiful and romantic tune.

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  6. That’s a good way to spend a near-death experience, but all dreams end eventually. Given the circumstance, that’s probably the better way to end it. Great job of taking us through the three stages of the near-death experience.

    Liked by 1 person

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