A Haibun of Shelter

Written for dVerse Haibun Monday: Give Me Shelter, 8/26/22.

Competitive Cooperation

Soldiers, farmers, and lovers all seek the same shelter. Protection from nature’s miseries is ubiquitously sought and taken. Adapt or die. Respect not given wisely results in lessons learned only for brief periods.

Her glorious beauty shows in the warm sunrise that follows the night’s frightful, unsheltered story. The singing bird allows for the climax of thunder as from lightening, all seek cover. Even snakes warm in the sun.

Rain or dry seasons, Nature judges the foolish lover, the seeker of warmth without cover, harshly. Live and learn; learn and live.

respect nature first
awesome beauty is the beast
take cover or die

Look both ways when seeking escape or shelter.
Better to mind the gaps and wait for the storm to pass
than to win the latest Darwin Award.

Click here to find more Haibun.

22 thoughts on “A Haibun of Shelter

  1. Thought-provoking. I like what you’ve laid out here regarding shelter, the element of discernment. Even when running for cover, we must evaluate.

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  2. Wonderful haibun, Bill. Taking shelter means so many things, doesn’t it? And, obviously, taking shelter from the elements must be heeded. No one wants to make the Darwin list!

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    1. Thanks, Dale. Indeed, there are many forms of shelter, which is why it was a good theme.

      I did not use the song that came to mind (Gimme Shelter, The Rolling Stones) because the lyrics are too dark. But I wanted to. 🙂

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      1. I don’t doubt that. And neither have I. So, because of you, I watched the trailer – oy… gonna be a heartbreaker – that I will watch because it is on my Netflix 🙂

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