dVerse Quadrille #142 (tinsel)

Thanks to Mish for hosting (and sucking me into this post which I did not plan to do).

Back in town

tinsel tensing nuts in town
leaders, all bozos

and clowns,

suky tawdry for a.g,
macheath and mackie messer,

for all the world to see

liars swear another judge jackleg

threepenny opera

death was healthy,

good is bad, bloodsuckers’ protagonists,

what do you want now?

Look both ways to tell the good guys from the rest.
Mind the gaps in a saint’s past and the sinner’s future.

Click on my cigar for more wonderful poems.

28 thoughts on “dVerse Quadrille #142 (tinsel)

  1. I read. Had to leave. Come back and read it again! Sometimes, I feel not so clever on a first reading!

    Sometimes, it feels like they’re all crooks!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Haha! Well there you go.
        Some are less “obvious” than others.
        Now. I have mine but am not ready to press publish. Something is bugging me so I shall sleep on it.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Very interesting. It is good to push one’s boundaries. Glad you feel better about it now! It’s good to make your readers think, sometimes… 😊

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah – I had to read it through a couples times too, Dale… and I had to look up all the references – I guess I’m not very cultured 😀

      But the poem itself is just awesome, Bill. Once I looked up all the names, I got it!


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      1. Thank you, David. You’re very kind.

        I apologize for the arcane nature of the poem. I try not to do that. I prefer my poems to stand on their own, without gloss. But the prompt took me to a dark place.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. As a Canadian, American politics are beyond my scope of understanding….especially during the last few years but I hope the prompt fulfilled the need to vent…which I can confidently say you have. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It started with “tinsel,” but that led me down a rabbit hole, to the song, to the play, to the writers, and to my own frustration. A love poem it’s not. 🙂 Thanks, Mish.

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