Friday Fictioneers 11-26-2021

Today we contrive stories from a cityscape photo with a narrow street from Roger Bultot. Rochelle has set it all up on her blog and we post as directed by her wonderfulness.

For Friday Fictioneers we write micro-stories of 100 words or fewer given ideas germinated by a new photo on Wednesday of each week, provided by various participants. You can read the rules over on Rochelle’s blog and join in the fun. Here is the photo and my story for this week.

Click on the PHOTO PROMPT by © Roger Bultot for Rochelle’s blog to get all the FF info.

Genre: Ethnic Fiction
Word Count: 100
Title: Crucible Mossad


They stopped jogging.

Chava whispered, “It’s the white truck. Remove the gas cap. You won’t see the nano drone. Wait two seconds, replace the cap, and run. I’ll meet you at Freeda’s.”

Tzitta moaned, “You distract the guards. I’ll be gone before they notice. Sexeh outfit, Sista.”

Five minutes later they ducked into Freeda’s Deli. An old man yelled, “Check the ice!”

The crowd went silent as they sat at the bar.

Freeda looked, “Nu?”

Chava nodded.

Then an explosion rocked the building.

Tzitta said, “Oy gevalt!”

Everyone stood, shouting, “Mazel tov.”

Freeda pushed sandwiches toward them, “Ess gezunt, ladies.”


Look both ways but take a side.
Mind the gaps, cameras, and guards.
Run like the wind.

Click on Ziva David, former Mossad on NCIS portrayed by Cote de Pablo, to read all the wonderful micro stories written by participants.

Gloss: Nu is a Yiddish expression to ask a simple question instead of using words such as “well” or “so.” Oy gevalt! means oh, violence! It is used to express shock or amazement. Ess gezunt is deli slang for eat in good health. Everybody knows mazel tov, right?

34 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers 11-26-2021

  1. My Yiddish is pretty good since my father was a “boy mit a Yiddishe kopf”. Methinks the gang at Freeda’s may celebrate now but must be on the lookout for retaliation!
    Love this, Bill.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Bill,

    I didn’t have to read your translations. 😉 I love your use of Yiddish. And I enjoyed the action story. Ziva was one of my favorite characters. I hated it when she left.

    Azai Gezunt this Thanksgiving,


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you found it that way, Elizabeth.
      The white truck on the left. A crucible is a difficult test or challenge. Mossad tested them. 🙂


  3. A well written action scene, Bill. It would be nice to know why the customers at Freeda’s were so pleased by the destruction of the white van (with goodness knows how much civilian collateral…)

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