dVerse Poetry: Quadrille ‘garden’

Many thanks to Victoria Slotto for hosting the dVerse, Poets Pub bar for this prompt. Our play is to write a quadrille (44-word poem) that uses any form of the word garden.


Hortus Art

Neither musician nor gardener am I,
yet their music I love. My camera
captures beautiful flowers, botanically
cultured or randomly given by
nature’s pressing flora.

Perceived beauty touches every sense.
In wind, rain, desert’s secret bounty,
all life contributes to more life.

Love it.


Look both ways into the magical world of horticulture,
to the earth, air, and sky.
Mind the gaps for contributing animal life.


Click here for a link to the links of all the other participants.

42 thoughts on “dVerse Poetry: Quadrille ‘garden’

  1. Quite a beauty here, this poem! I’m not a gardener either. I have instead of the Midas touch, the manure touch when it comes to plants or flowers. Hahaha.

    Lovely poem with vivid and beautiful detail. Such an excellent take on the prompt.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey there, Dale. Glad you liked it.
      I’ve been wondering about you. Like silent children in another room, I wanted to be sure all is okay.
      I’ve never been able to do gardening as much as I appreciate it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey there, Bill. I did.
        Have you, now? I had a sort of idea for Sammi’s challenge but honestly, my work this weekend just fried me. I’m already praying for October 15 (end of golf season) because it’s killing me slowly. I “may” exaggerate just a tad.
        I am not the best gardener myself but do plan to have one next year! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. So, Dale,
        I would have to join the garden club/group here which has an enormous venue and more expertise that I would ever need. Alas, I suspect that they would not do the work for me.
        25+ potted plants works fine.
        Sorry the world of work is such a pain. Happy Monday 🙂


      3. Haha, I fear they would not.
        Potted plants – nothing wrong with that and way more than I have at this time. I couldn’t get into the groove of doing anything on this, my second summer in this house. Of course, not working for over three months thanks to the virus kinda put the kibosh on anything requiring moolah so I didn’t dare spend willy-nilly!
        It’s mostly okay but the days are loooong. 7:15 am till 7:30-8:00 pm
        Happy Monday it has been and will be a happy Tuesday, too! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Thanks, Dale.
        I am not sure when I realized that an 8-hour day was my max, and that only about 6 of that was even almost productive, but it happened.
        I was just thinking today, “When I began to enjoy Mondays, it was time to retire.” 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      5. 🙂
        I have to tell you, I thought 3 X 12 hour days would make for a great work week. Yeah. No.
        6 would be way better. Actually, lemme tell you, I am ready to retire! Unlike so many who feel the need to work forever, that is not me. I was always a work to live and not a live to work type.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I, too, have brown thumbs. I have been known to have goldfish die on me as well. Like you I appreciate and photograph flora.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Beautiful poem and photos, Bill. I am a gardener and miss the garden I had on the west side. I hope to create a garden on our property, but it’s a short season in the highlands so it will be trial and error. Hope all is well😊🥀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Sue. So, you’re a highlander?
      I guess you can now have any size garden you want.
      All is well. Rochelle put out a new picture for Friday Fictioneers today and I’ve got no ideas for a flash fiction story. I need my muse. What to write? LOL 🙂 Oh well. Maybe after I read some my light will come on.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes, officially a highlander at 3180ft in the mountains 😊 I’m sure you’ll find inspiration for the flash fiction. I look forward to reading it. Take care.

        Liked by 1 person

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