Autumn Countdown

Autumn Countdown

hobby lobby has christmas decorations out.
lots of them. hello?
i agree with moving christmas
to august.
december will be fine without it.
but it is fucking august. it’s the dog-days month.

august is boring.
lots of peeps have b-days,
but august is what?
end of summer, school…
what fool advocate of child abuse
starts school before labor day?
that’s not god’s plan, fool.

they have halloween stuff up too,
but twice as much christmas,
maybe some turkey day
shit mixed in.
but it’s hot. hot, hot: august.
and they took out the posters
i was looking for.

i don’t hate august,
but it is shamefully boring.
give it a break
move christmas there.
we have hanukkah,
new year’s eve
in December
and it would stop

many from saying ‘happy holidays’
thus getting so many
folk’s panties in a wad
over some fucking imagined war-on,
and august would be so grateful.
instead of waiting for next year,
kids could ask
what’d ya get for christmas?
in september.

pre-season football? who cares?
even the bugs
have had enough
of this crap,
bring on the fall,
and days we can sink
our teeth into.

© Bill Reynolds 8/20/2018

Look both ways, between May and September. 

Mind the gaps and the croaked cicadas.

Dead Cicada


8 thoughts on “Autumn Countdown

  1. Preach! August is my least favorite month🙃 I doubt Christmas could save it since all the Christmas trees are burning along with the entire west coast 🔥August is hot as hell and has become the “burning season” (poem forthcoming). Throw in a hurricane or two for our southern friends and I think that settles the matter – August sucks😩

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The ides of August passed away with no sleigh, but now Santa is rearing his head. The markets they scream out the deals it seems, leaving Bill just a scratching his head. The month of the nine no one likes it too much, it’s hot and we’re shit outta luck, with Christmas sales during thermometer fails, makes us all wonder hey what the fuck?

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